Only one Discanto crossed the starting line of this Stage. Oscar Polli’s bike needed more time to be reset and the team decision was to work properly on the bike and not to risk a brake or a failure during the stage that could compromise the bike for more days.

Sylvain Espinasse started and immediatelly the Dakar become the Dakar. A difficult navigation made 3 bikes out of 5 to take a wrong turn for a misjudgement after 5 kilometers from the start.
The result was 25 kilometers of what is call “gardening” to find the right way to get back on track.
The good news is that the bike performed accordingly to the prevision showing the set up was corresponding to the reality. We just want to remind here that the Two Discanto are Prototypes of a completely new concept which we decided to test in the Dakar environment.
So after being back on track Sylvain made it to the end of the Stage and awarded with the status of finisher.

On Stage 2 again only Sylvain will be at the starting line because during the set up of Oscar Polli’s bike a problem had been detected with the engine and it was necessary an intervention. Even if our mechanics worked till the sunset they couldn’t make it on time. Obviously, Oscar can’t wait to get back in the challenge and the team is giving blood to make this happen.